Aitheantas don Bhéarla.
Tá trí fhoireann nó sraith stampái nua á éisiúnt ag An Post i mí Feabhra
agus Márta.
Thug mé faoi deara nach bhfuil ach Bearla amháin ar sraith amháin*.
Slán Abhaile
Slán Abhaile – Goodbye Slán Abhaile means ‘goodbye’ but it literally means
‘safe home,’ which I think is pretty fitting for today’s blog! 5 months ago
I ...
Slán Abhaile
Slán Abhaile – Goodbye Slán Abhaile means ‘goodbye’ but it literally means
‘safe home,’ which I think is pretty fitting for today’s blog! 5 months ago
I ...
Dearmad glan déanta agam den bhlag seo!
Is iomaí rud a tharla ón uair dheireanach gur scríobh mé aon rud anseo!
A lot has happend since I last wrote anything here!
Tá mórán le cloisteáil as an iri...
Guest Post: ‘Judith’ by Eunice Yeats.
Judith, he goes to me, don’t be gettin’ up on that stepladder for you’ll
fall and crack your skull. That’s Victor, my husband. Victor was married
before. F...
In Defens
Last night one of the Blether Region's Northern Ireland Facebook pals
linked to an article reporting John Swinney's defence of Scottish Gaelic.
Wicklow Irish
The baronies of Wicklow, 1900. Click to zoom. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
*Updated: 19 September 2022 (reference to nineteenth century Irish
An gCreidfeá?!
Tá an 25ú heagrán (ó uair a athbheochana) de An Gael ar fáil! Bíonn fáilte
roimh scríbhneoirí úra i gcónaí, dar ndóigh. Is iomaí duine a scríobh
dúinn c...
Ballybán: chronique d’une fin annoncée
[image: Maire de Ballyban]
*Les protestants de Ballybán, dont sa première dame au centre, participent
désormais aux festivités de la Saint-Patrick... un ...
New Project
Here at Diaga Language we’re involved in setting up a new community group
in Inis Eoghain, Dún na nGall which will be orientated at promoting the
Irish Lan...
Why I bothered to learn Irish
I was born and raised in Australia and I came to Ireland and began learning
Irish in my thirties. I consider myself to be extremely lucky to have had
the o...