• Official Languages Act (2003) enacted 10 years ago and the legislation is currently under review.

• Representation from Canada to Kosovo and Finland, from the Inuit community of the Arctic to our neighbours in Wales and Scotland.
• Emphasis on the role of the state and the community in regard to language rights and obligations in the context of languages that are under threat as community languages or languages of choice.
• The sharing of best practice, the exchange of information and lessons learnt in the area of languages will be core objectives of conference.
• The conference will provide an opportunity to learn from policy and practice in other countries and allow the position of Irish, both in the Gaeltacht and throughout the country, be evaluated in an international context.
Hilton Hotel, Charlemont Place, Dublin 2 23-25 May, 2013. Members of the public are very welcome. Advance registration is required by: • email: eolas@coimisineir.ie, • telephone: 091-504006 or 1890-504006 (LoCall number), • in writing: Oifig an Choimisinéara Teanga, An Spidéal, Co. Galway, Ireland. |
Organised by: Oifig an Choimisinéara Teanga, Fiontar DCU (Ireland) and Language, Policy and Planning Research Unit, Cardiff University, [Wales]
Some Interesting websites:
Languages matter (UNESCO)
Atlas of the World's endangered languages! (Unesco)
European Language Council (CEL/ELC)
European Commission Languages
Indiginous Tweets Blog
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